CFT Launches ONJET Training

We are delighted to announce the launch of our ONJET Cabin Training programs using a dedicated business jet cabin trainer. The business jet cabin trainer is the first of its kind available in the United Kingdom and one of the few based in Europe.
The cabin will be used to deliver both our ONJET VIP Flight Training Courses, Cabin Emergency Training and much more. We have been working on the project for a year and we are really happy to be able to enhance the training experience for our trainees.
Cabin Emergency Training – (CET) One Day
Cabin Emergency Training or CET is a newly launched practical emergency procedures training program, specifically developed for business aviation crewmembers, conducted in our business jet cabin trainer. Cabin Emergency Training focuses on the management of emergency situations, passenger coordination and the command of business jet specific emergency drills in real time.
The course is ideal for, cabin service representatives and freelance corporate flight attendants who wish to keep their training upto date and relevant, it can be bolted on to our classroom based courses for operators. As a training course for operators in can be delivered in IAW OMD requirements. For operators that choose to train their CSR’s it is a cost effective, yet comprehensive method of ensuring your CSR’s are able to act as ABP’s in an emergency and ensuring the coordination and communication between your flight crews and passengers during an emergency for operators that employ CSRS.
This comprehensive training program will ensure crew members receive valuable experience in managing emergency situations and an opportunity to practically experience the complexities of handling emergencies within the single flight attendant or pilot only environment.
Representative Device
The aircraft can be used as representative device for initial aircrew security and for some aspects of triennial training
ONJET VIP Flight Attendant & Service
CFT’s ONJET four day VIP Flight Attendant training program is delivered onboard our beautiful business jet cabin trainer, all delegates will experience two full days onboard of extensive training in situ.
The CFT course offers a truly immersive VIP Flight Attendant training experience that cumulates with an assessed mock trial flight. The device can also be used to deliver bespoke operator service training.